"Today I have come here in order to proclaim in your presence what the Lord Jesus said to his disciples: "This is my commandment: Love one another as I have loved you". | GOD spoke to two Fijians, one a Methodist lay preacher and another, his cousin, the secretary of the Bible Society, to carry out the 1987 Coups and consign Indo-Fijians to second class citizens in Fiji |
OPERATION KIDACALA: We won't rush and predict Coupist's next move. We must never reward coupists and convicts because they are POPULAR but must choose leaders who come with a clean slate, otherwise FIJI will remain as 'The Way The World Shouldn't Be' .
Anyway, he should NEVER have entered Parliament in 1987 like a thief in the night, capturing and imprisoning the Bavadra Government MPs and introducing the Coup Culture - with another SNAKE still up in Parliament
Opposition Leader Sitiveni Rabuka has resigned as a Member of Parliament
Speaking in Parliament this morning, Rabuka announced that he will no longer be a Member of the House.
“I hereby Mr Speaker Sir tender my resignation as a member of this House representing the people of Fiji to make way for his Excellency the President. I ask the Prime Minister work with the new Leader of Opposition and the members of the Opposition and take us forward.”
Rabuka has highlighted that he will no longer be a barrier to the two sides of the House working together.
“I will no longer be an obstacle to the bipartisan approach to be taken by the leaders of Fiji to create harmony and progress and unity in Fiji and I with respect Mr Speaker Sir tender my resignation from Parliament thank you Sir.”
FBC News approached Rabuka outside parliament where he indicated that he remains an ordinary member of the Social Democratic Liberal Party.
“That will have to be decided I will have to hear from the Party about what’s going on. I cannot form a new party now I am still the member of the Party (SODELPA). I have resigned from the Parliament.”
SODELPA Leader and the next likely Opposition Leader, Viliame Gavoka says he is shocked by Rabuka’s announcement and has sought an explanation.
He adds that SODELPA needs a man like Rabuka.
Opposition Member of Parliament and staunch Rabuka supporter Lynda Tabuya, says she stands by the decision of the former party leader.
SODELPA MP Mosese Bulitavu also says that Rabuka has done the honorable thing. Source, FBC News
Speaking in Parliament this morning, Rabuka announced that he will no longer be a Member of the House.
“I hereby Mr Speaker Sir tender my resignation as a member of this House representing the people of Fiji to make way for his Excellency the President. I ask the Prime Minister work with the new Leader of Opposition and the members of the Opposition and take us forward.”
Rabuka has highlighted that he will no longer be a barrier to the two sides of the House working together.
“I will no longer be an obstacle to the bipartisan approach to be taken by the leaders of Fiji to create harmony and progress and unity in Fiji and I with respect Mr Speaker Sir tender my resignation from Parliament thank you Sir.”
FBC News approached Rabuka outside parliament where he indicated that he remains an ordinary member of the Social Democratic Liberal Party.
“That will have to be decided I will have to hear from the Party about what’s going on. I cannot form a new party now I am still the member of the Party (SODELPA). I have resigned from the Parliament.”
SODELPA Leader and the next likely Opposition Leader, Viliame Gavoka says he is shocked by Rabuka’s announcement and has sought an explanation.
He adds that SODELPA needs a man like Rabuka.
Opposition Member of Parliament and staunch Rabuka supporter Lynda Tabuya, says she stands by the decision of the former party leader.
SODELPA MP Mosese Bulitavu also says that Rabuka has done the honorable thing. Source, FBC News