To: [email protected]
Cc: Mahendra Reddy, Kelera Taloga ,Eroni Loganimoce ,Vijay Nath ,"Sunia K. Marayawa"
Dear Mr Leawere & FTA executives,
Eroni's appointment was decided within the MOE through normal appoinment powers vested within the MOE PS on the concurrence of the Hon. Minister. Eroni has proven his ability to produce what is wanted on time to the A/PSE and the Minister's table over the period of service. In regards to this officer's qualification the MOE can only state the following for the FTA's information. That under Republic of Fiji Government Constitution 2013 , Chapter 6- State Services, Part A Public Service -Values & Principles clause 127 (7) - The PS of each Ministry shall have the authority to appoint, remove and institute disciplinary action against all staff of the Ministry, with the agreement of the minister responsible for the ministry. This is in fact the power that was exercised by the MOE authority to appoint Eroni. Furthermore, clause 127 (8)-then states that the PS of each ministry, with the agreement of the minister responsible for the ministry, has the authority to determine all matters pertaining to the employment of all staff in the ministry, including-sub-clauses a) - d). We ask your good office Sir to please flip through the above clauses of the Republic of Fiji Constitution 2013, which is the Highest Law of the Land. For that reason and to answer the other points raised within your office's concern Sir we are confident to inform your good office that:
1. Eroni Loganimoce had qualified and was promoted to Principal Administrative Officer (Personnel) in 01/10/2012 from PSC and had proven himself to be a performer since then. Whilst in PSC he had formulated Policies on HR and even collated the “GO” and the “Terms and Conditions of Employment for Government Wage Earners.”
2. The authority is within Section 127(8) of 2013 Constitution therefore need not to seek PSC’s approval. Eroni has been performing exceptionally well even before he join the Ministry of Education. He is pursuing his Executive MBA in order to excel to higher positions in Government. Besides, he have; a Diploma in Economics; Registered Trainer; and an Executive Diploma in Leadership sponsored by PSC for all Directors and DSs in 2013 and Eroni was recognized because of his abilities and performance.
3. The 3 New Directors are savings from tradeoffs of position and are within the Ministry Budget provisions
4. Mr. Naleca has been side way transferred to ED1D position and therefore the PEO (ESU) is vacant.
5. AAO Busfare is a Project Post and is specifically for Busfare procurement and payments and was established in January 2014. The other AAO is an established position and are responsible for general Ministry’s compliance.
In stating the above Sir, The MOE is awaiting the FTA executives to practice a little show of respect and present at least a little 'matanigasau' to the MOE and its Hon. Minister after the serious of negative comments and unprofessional attacks voiced in the media and blog sites. Since when had we gone out there to be parties to dirty verbal attacks on the blog-sites? Blog-sites are not for professionals to be firing at each other. If the Union is serious about positively contributing to the development of education in Fiji and has a pure heart for caring for and enhancing education for the future generations of our beloved nation then we beg your good office to come and seek reconciliation with the highest office of education on the land. Lets not put to waste what good understanding and relationship that had been fostered previously by our union leaders whom have partnered positively with MOE to shape the Fiji Education system to what it is today.
The world is changing, and as Tom Friedman has demonstrated, it is increasingly flat. Globalisation is changing everything about how we work, how we communicate and ultimately how we live. It is critical for us in Fiji to note and learn that Financial responses and issues alone will not safeguard our economic and social well-being, and that substantial, strategic investments in education and a professional attitude to 'spartnership are essential to Fiji education system's long-term prosperity and to our success as a democracy. We cannot bail ourselves out of this crisis through continuously attacking each other unnecessarily for it will show the outside world that our teacher Unions and the MOE have got it ALL WRONG. It is with due urgency that we need to foster partnership for the sake of our future generations to come.
Vinaka Saka Vakalevu
Iowane P Tiko