We have highlighted the absurdity of the D'Hondt Electoral System whereby if the party leader wins majority of the votes, his underlings are in Parliament with him - in this instance Rosy Akbar with 990 Votes
GRAPHIC WARNING: We have decided to publish this heart-wrenching story that was sent to us, and call on the FFP Health Minister
Rosy Akbar to RESIGN
This is a story..a true story which just happened lastnite..my neighbour..Vaishalini..was pregnant..n due was on april 8 but wen she went to hospital she was told its still tym 4 delivery..she went to Lautoka hospital yesterday but she was told babys due is on 18th of april.she had labour pain dis evening so we took her to lautoka hospital.n s we reach dare..she gave birth after 10 minutes..we were happily waiting outside n even we were chased by midwives dat we will allow us later..to see her..after nearly 11/2 hours she was transfered to another bed n we were eager to see d baby..but after another 5minutes a doctor came n told us d baby is dead..n brings d dead baby to us..dey said baby was dead in mums womb..areh yesterday she went to checking..its in d folder d babys heart beat was ok..n baby was ok..n how can baby die b4 birth..a parent need ur help..dey need justice..wat happened today shouldnt happen with anyone else..m loading pics where d midwives were chasing us out when we want to know cause of babys death..n d babys photo where d baby was still bleeding after death..plis tell us wat to do..n we need ministry of healths contact wea we can complain
..pliz share n help ..save another baby..lautoka hospital..wats rong..such a pathetic service
Already nursing grief but watch this video of how the Lautoka Hospital staff are abusing and chasing the grieving family and friends out of the ward when they decide to confront them over the baby's death:
Fijileaks: The Lautoka Hospital staff are only emulating their boss who was recently caught "rosying" up her cheeks and hairdo while her Ministerial Car was parked in a Disabled bay:
And Rosy Akbar must RESIGN over this story sent to us recently:
F/N Rajendra Singh
P.O. BOX 2643,
4th April,2017
The Minister,
Ministry of Health,
Fiji Islands.
Dear Medam,
I Jasvindar Singh parent of Vrishtee Jaspreet Singh hereby voice my concerns and grievances with respect to the services offered by Nausori Health centre.
In particular I bring your attention to the scene on the 3rd of April 10pm whereby my 5 year old daughter Vrishtee Jaspreet Singh complained of earache. The pain was severe and I could not give her any medication apart from panadol. I saw my daughter struggling , emotional and crying out loud due to the sharp and severe ear pain. Around 11pm I took her to Nausori Health centre and the General practitioner in charge was Doctor Sheetal. Doctor Sheetal examined my daughter and I did explained to the doctor my daughters complications. While examination was in progress I was shocked and very much amazed to see that doctors do not have proper equipment i.e –a otoscope to observe the inner ear. The poor general Practitioner used her mobile phone Samsung touch screen phone to view my daughters internal ear.
Furthermore also be informed that my daughter had ear problem –and the general practitioner prescribed tetracycline ear drop. She also informed me that at this hour it is not available at the Nausori Health centre. My daughter was given Elixir mixture and we came back home midnight. My daughter was not relieved at all and whole night she kept on crying and struggling in agony and sharp ear pain. It was difficult for me to see my only daughter in such circumstances. At 7am I took the prescription to Nakasi health Centre to get the prescribed medications at 8am when the health centre opened I was the first one to drop the prescription in the prescription box. At 8:15 my daughter started vomiting and the body became very warm and she started to shiver. The Doctor in charge then immediately examined my child and the sister incharge informed me and the Doctor that something was wrong with the prescription. The doctor studied the prescription that was given by the Nausori Health centre earlier and she also agreed very honestly and told me that tetracycline is an eye ointment and not a eardrop. (Attached is a copy of the prescription for you perusal as evidence .) The doctor then instantly prescribed chlorophenicol for her ear pain and other medication for her fever.
It was very upsetting and indeed disturbing that for ear pain doctors is prescribing eye ointment. Now I question the general practitioners (sheetal) qualification and is she fit to be in this medical profession. I strongly feel such silly mistakes of doctors must not be entertained by the authorities (Ministry Of Health) and members of the public must not compromise their health. Doctors must practice their “Duty of Care” at all times while on duty and should not breach their code of conduct and code of ethics. We the members of the public go to the hospitals to get better and doctors should not make our condition worse.
Lastly due to gross negligence of some doctors, we have lost many lives before and the trend would continue if we have careless and lethargic doctors .I therefore plea to the minister of health to fully investigate this urgent matter of concern and provide me with feedback on this case. Please take note that just being apologetic does not makes up everything or covers everything ie the pain and suffering.
It is high time for general practitioners’ to reflect on their weak areas and improve the delivery of their services to bring about a healthy population. I suggest
For any clarification on this matterdo not hesitate to contact me on [email protected] or work Nasinu Muslim College 3410191/8368770.