"I don't normally reply on blogs because comments are faceless, very personal & without principled arguments, vulgar, not constructive and not inclusive. But, to answer Luveiviti query:
The argument put forward is that the statement by RTK &TC will infringe on the individual right of native Fijians. Not so.
Group right is not Individual right & there is a mile of difference.
Group right is about the identity of the group manifested in its unique language, cultural knowledge, custom & the need to maintain & protect it.
An individual acquires or is part of the group entitled to those rights by descent, by practice and by the individuals desire to identify with the group to speak its language and respect its culture & traditions. Self identification really.
But it remains always a matter of choice for the individual to be part of the group by respecting its culture & values. If the individual disagrees he has every right to, which must be respected. The term that was used for that was "tu galala" referring to those who opted out.
At the same time you are not part of the group as of right. You have to participate fulfilling your cultural obligation. It is the reason why there is a provision in the Native Lands act to delete names from VKB for that reason.
So what is the implication of the statement by RTK & TC ? They are simply restating the usual and obvious that being part of the group is a matter of choice. Except that those who choose not to should depart with dignity without dismantling the institutions and things sacrosanct that those who remain need.