LATEST UPDATE: Now, it emerges that Ba delegation's (Matabose ni Momo, 9-11th) clashes with SODELPA SGM but Ba says: 'We do wish all the very best with fruitful, united front resolution. LR.'
Permit for cancelled meeting was lodged late, Thursday; it takes 7 days!
AN e-mail from SODELPA headquarters leaked to Fijileaks reveal its youth wing expressing disquiet with the new meeting arrangement: "Thank you GS [General Secretary]. We had invited many of our young members to attend, the day and time of the event actually is a deterrent to our members participation. And like many other delegates, our youth members were looking forward to attending. In the future please consider the schedules of those employed and studying, and please include our Wing [as well as the Womens Wing] in setting dates for important Party Meetings and gatherings I wish you and the organizers the very best in your meeting." When contacted for comments, an angry Sodelpa youth leader Peter Waqavonovono retorted: "Who gave it to you, Gaunavinaka?" On 4 September SODELPA general seceratary had informed all: "Ni Bula, Please be informed that due to unforeseen circumstances the Special General Assembly has been postponed to Thursday 10th September at 9.00 a.m. the venue is still the Epworth Hall, Centenary Church.Apologies for any inconvenience".