Fijileaks Editor: We will reveal the donors soon who are now 'sleeping in bed' with the Fijifirst Party. The recent FICAC file supplements FIRCA file that was leaked to Victor Lal which had resulted in a Fiji Sun front page story on 12 February 2008: 'SDL company raised $1.7m - No tax paid on funds raised to fight 2006 election' (all of Lal's writings have been removed from the paper's archive by the current pro-regime propagandists on the SUN); the Victor Lal investigation had revealed how the then interim Finance Minister Mahendra Chaudhry had ordered FIRCA to carry out an audit of SDL's company, the Duavata Initiative Ltd, with plans for prosecution; FICAC file details the list of donors and their financial contributions
Fijileaks Editor: It seems Chaudhry was not able to press-gang FICAC to proceed after he had presented FIRCA findings to Cabinet on 16 January 2008, for the following month, on 24 February 2008, Victor Lal had revealed Chaudhry's own secret $2million from Haryana that he
(Chaudhry) was hiding in Australia
FICAC witness says Mahendra Chaudhry directed investigation against payment of Peni Mau
Monday, 10/11/2014, Fijivillage News:
A former internal auditor of Finance Ministry told the Suva High Court today that former Finance Minister Mahendra Chaudhry had directed a Special Investigation against the final payment of former Managing Director of Post Fiji Limited Peni Mau in 2007.
Evangeleen Talei is the final witness for FICAC in this trial.
Talei told the court that in March 2007 she joined an audit team of eight lead by their Director Internal Audit to do the special investigation.
Talei said they spoke to Acting General Manager Dhirendra Pratap and other staff of the Accounts section.
Talei added they looked at the payment voucher to determine the calculation of the payment of $210,666.67 as there was a difference of $24,000 as gratuity payment.
She said they were not able to reconcile the figures and asked for Peni Mau’s contract.
She said they went through the contract and nothing was mentioned about a gratuity payment.
She added they went back to Dhirendra Pratap where they were given a letter written by Mahendra Patel after their investigation was about to end on 19th April 2007, stating that Peni Mau’s contract has been extended.
She added according to the letter Mau was paid two years four months’ salary and the gratuity payment.
Talei mentioned that they also went through the board minutes of 8th March 2007 where they were no resolutions passed for Mau’s payment.
She added they submitted their investigation report to the former minister on 1st June 2007.
Earlier today, another FICAC witness and former board member of Post Fiji Limited, Lute Powell told the High Court that she overheard Mahendra Patel having informal discussions on the extension of Mau’s contract and saying something about the Higher Salaries Commission during a board meeting. Powell agreed with defence lawyer, Hamendra Nagin that Mau’s contract was extended till 2009 however he left Post Fiji in 2007.
Mau is charged with former Chairman of Post Fiji Limited Mahendra Patel and the former General Manager Finance, Direndra Pratap.
Mau is charged with extortion by public officers.
It is alleged that between 26th and 27th of February 2007 Mau while being employed in the public service as Managing Director of Post Fiji accepted a promise of a reward namely gratuity payment for his early exit from employment with Post Fiji Limited which was beyond his proper pay and emoluments.
The trial is underway without the presence of Patel who is in Australia.
Patel is charged with abuse of office.
Peni Mau, Fiji High Court told, was paid two years four months’ salary and the gratuity payment but they couldnt find any authorization of the payment; so when will Bainimarama, Khaiyum and Aunty Nur Bano Ali be hauled before the Fiji High Court based on the A-G's recent Report?: