"The government they want to set up will be totally illegal. What the military has done is RAPED our Constitution."
The Deposed Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase, 5 December 2006
Fijileaks: The Tailevu lad Rusiate Tudravu has spent 38 years in the Fiji Police Force and surely, like every other Police Officer, his penultimate dream must have been to lead his men. But no, in 2016, after getting rid of the South African Police Commissioner, Bainimarama forced Qiliho upon Fiji Police, to ensure his grip on the levers of power
A former Fiji military commander, Sitiveni Qiliho, has been confirmed as the country's new police commissioner. The announcement was made this evening by the Constitutional Offices Commission, led by the prime minister Frank Bainimarama, which also confirmed Viliame Naupoto as the new military commander. Mr Bainimarama's brother-in-law, Francis Kean, a former Navy commander who in 2006 was convicted of manslaughter, has also been appointed as prisons commissioner. Mr Qiliho was appointed as acting police commissioner after the sudden resignation of Ben Groeneweld last year. Mr Groenweld swiftly left the country and returned to South Africa, and cited constant military interference in the work of the police. | Mr Qiliho is the third senior military officer to run the police force since the 2006 coup. The Constitutional Offices Commission had declined to say how many people have applied for any of the positions. |

PM BAINIMARAMA RECEIVES ACTING COMMISSIONER OF POLICE Suva- The Prime Minister Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama this morning received a courtesy call from the acting Commissioner of Police Mr Rusiate Tudravu. Whilst receiving Mr Tudravu in his office, the Prime Minister said Mr Tudravu is “filling the big shoes” of Brigadier-General Sitiveni Qiliho who left for the United Kingdom for an extensive study placement at the Royal College of Defence Studies. Mr Tudravu is no stranger to the people of Fiji, having spent about 38 years in the Fiji Police Force with experiences which spans across the work of ensuring law and order in the country. He graduated from the University of the South Pacific with a Certificate in Management Studies, he also undertook a Management Development Program from the Queensland Police Academy; attained a Certificate in Applied Management at the Australian Institute of Police Management and he also undertook an Advanced Security Course at Daniel K. Inouye Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies in Hawaii. In addition Mr Tudravu attained an Executive Masters in Business Administration from the Fiji National University. Mr. Tudravu also served with the Commonwealth Multinational Police Monitoring Group to the Solomon Islands - Crisis. He is from Nasautoka Village in Wainibuka, Tailevu and is the current Chairman of the Tailevu Provincial Council. The Prime Minister warmly congratulated Mr. Tudravu on his new appointment.