WHEN cornered by FICAC, the lying genie popped out of the BOTTLE, and the former treasonist, bogus nationalist but self-confessed RACIST disclosed REAL WEALTH he had amassed after the 1987 COUPS:
He confirmed that he has one account with BSP, one with Westpac and an overseas account with Wells Fargo
HE admitted to FICAC investigator he had an account with
Kontiki Finance. It shows he has an investment of $400,000
* $200,000 had gone out of the account
* Rabuka confirmed that this is the money that he loaned to Vijay Raghwan, owner of Raghwan Construction
* Rabuka said that Raghwan is part of their prayer group and is a close friend from the 1990s
* Rabuka told FICAC that Raghwan was having problems with his cash flow and needed money for his operations
* Rabuka was then asked if he considered it as a loan. Rabuka said yes and it was also an investment as interest from it is considered as an income
The SODELPA Leader was then given a copy of the declaration
that he may have made to find if he had declared the $200,000
* Rabuka said that he could not find it and it must have been an
Oh, ISA! How could one forget to disclose $200,000?
Come on, it was not $2, $20, $200 or $2,000?
* FICAC then asked Rabuka if he was given $200,000
by Raghwan at the end of 2017
* Rabuka said he had to borrow money from Raghwan
as Rabuka was looking for money to pay off his tax liability
so he asked his friends and Raghwan offered
to help him by taking out a loan of $200,000
and giving it to Rabuka.
Rabuka confirmed that he had to pay Raghwan $2,000 a month
JUDGMENT: The Magistrate, who had earlier wanted to recuse himself because of "family familiarity", delivered a judgment that really exposed the adage that the LAW is an ASS. He ruled that FICAC did not prove that the bottle picker was also LEADER OF THE SODELPA PARTY. For Heavens sake, all he had to do was step outside the court and see SODELPA supporters WAVING and SINGING their leader's praise, or should have read countless press statements, signed Rabuka LEADER
GOLDEN HANDSHAKE: | A day later after her |