The proposed Fiji First party is not obligated to register within the ‘strict’ 28 day provisions of the Political Parties (Registration, Conduct, Funding and Disclosures) Decree 2013, that the regime forced the established parties to follow last year. However, as the authors and sponsors of the draconian Political Parties Decree, Mr Sayed-Khaiyum and Voreqe Bainimarama have clearly failed to negotiate their very first ‘political’ hurdle as they finally come face to face with the same restrictive and unreasonable demands they placed on others.
The UFDF said the FBC’s Apisalome Coka reported yesterday quote: - The proposed Fiji First political party has deferred registering with the Elections Office. The proposed party which was to have registered yesterday is still collecting more signatures unquote.
The UFDF said this poor showing of support is despite the added advantage Voreqe Bainimarama & Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum had of:-
Ø an additional 435 days since February 13th 2013, when the NFP filed its registration
Ø the full resources of government behind them
Ø the daily barrage of media coverage of Voreqe Bainimarama's registration team’s itinerary over the past 25 days since he launched his registration campaign on March 30th
Ø Breaches of the decree that are now the subject of complaints to the police.
The UFDF said if the proposed Fiji First, with all its resources, media hoopla and propaganda, cannot register within 28 days, then the Fiji Sun columnist Nemani Delaibatiki’s quote ‘unstoppable political juggernaut’ just ran out of gas. Or perhaps the blue buses wheels fell off.
The UFDF said this failure of the proposed Fiji First demonstrates two very important things for the people of Fiji to note:-
Firstly: The credibility of the Fiji Sun poll. On April 12th it suggested Voreqe Bainimarama was the preferred PM at 82% and his proposed party Fiji First was the preferred political party at 62%. It also suggested on the 19th of April that the member parties of the UFDF collectively had just 9% support?
If, as the poll suggests, the 3 political party members of the UFDF collectively have just 9% support, then the 24,246 signatures they collected in support of their registrations would presumably represent that 9%. Therefore it is not unreasonable to expect that the preferred proposed Fiji First party that allegedly enjoys 62% support should be able to front up with 167,028 signatures.
Certainly the high 82% preferred Prime Minister and 62% preferred party predictions by the Fiji Sun have not translated into ‘real tangible’ support.
It seems from the deferment of their registration that Fiji First is struggling to just get 5,000 signatures at this very early stage of pre election preparations and given that the UFDF members have not yet launched their campaigns, and collected their 24,246 signatures just through normal branch worker activity, without any media hype says a lot about who really has the support.
The UFDF said that the 3 member parties not only managed to collect their 5,000 signatures and register in time, they submitted 9,246 extra signatures, and could easily have helped Fiji First out by giving them 5,000 signatures so they could register and still have 18% more signatures left over?
Secondly: This was yet another very clear example of the regime not being up to the task and failing yet again to ‘WALK ITS TALK’ and is basically unable to deliver on the same draconian requirements they impose on others.
Political Parties must exhibit vision and an accompanying passion to go with it. Like Dr. Bavadra’s Fiji Labour Party had an all-round ‘class’ based appeal, (not ‘racial’) and with the winning slogan; ‘Time for a Change’. It energized the youth and the old alike with aspiration, hope and happiness.
Bainimarama’s proposed political party by virtue of STEALING Fiji First Party’s name has exhibited a political vision which long extents to the length of their noses. It exhibits lack of imagination and originality and/or any mental activity which borders on or could be described as CREATIVITY. ‘Mentally challenged’ would probably be the most politically correct description.
By STEALING someone else’s intellectual property is progress by plagiarism - and the only thing Bainimarama’s proposed party exhibits, by doing so, is an emptiness of morality and ethics.
And as for passion Bainimarama’s proposed party has a BUS to show!
FIJI FIRST PARTY formally known as GIRMIT HERITAGE PARTY was formed by people who LOVE FIJI passionately and those who brought you the Chandrika Prasad’s Case and unabrogated the 1997 Constitution.
FIJI FIRST PARTY believes in OUR RIGHTS to our 1997 Constitution and in our rights to exist as a political party (as a future project) and in our RIGHTS not to relinquish our name.