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This story was published by 'Truth For Fiji' on their page. Vinaka saka vakalevu T4F&WN.
Please note:
SSTP is not the author of the following article. It was written by Truth For Fiji. We've just shared it...
By Truth For Fiji
For a whole year before the 2022 Elections, Sydney solicitor Shashi Singh went to enormous trouble to enable Opposition candidates to get their voices and messages across to the people and voters of Fiji.
The Opposition candidates were all lining up to appear on his show Sashi Singh Talking Points. They were able to talk for as long as they liked. Some spoke for hours, and even appeared more than once.
This was before the elections.
But now, three months after Rabuka, Prasad and Gavoka "won" the elections with a very slim ONE vote in Parliament, they suddenly have no time to appear on Sashi's program.
Yes, these keen, eager beavers, don't even bother to reply to Sashi's emails. But if you look at their images from Fiji plastered across social media and in news articles, they clearly indicate that they have all the time in the world, especially with making grand empty speeches all over Fiji [and always with garlands] and around the world.
Sadly, these once desperate candidates, now in power, have quickly forgotten the people who helped them to get elected.
This story was published by 'Truth For Fiji' on their page. Vinaka saka vakalevu T4F&WN.
Please note:
SSTP is not the author of the following article. It was written by Truth For Fiji. We've just shared it...
By Truth For Fiji
For a whole year before the 2022 Elections, Sydney solicitor Shashi Singh went to enormous trouble to enable Opposition candidates to get their voices and messages across to the people and voters of Fiji.
The Opposition candidates were all lining up to appear on his show Sashi Singh Talking Points. They were able to talk for as long as they liked. Some spoke for hours, and even appeared more than once.
This was before the elections.
But now, three months after Rabuka, Prasad and Gavoka "won" the elections with a very slim ONE vote in Parliament, they suddenly have no time to appear on Sashi's program.
Yes, these keen, eager beavers, don't even bother to reply to Sashi's emails. But if you look at their images from Fiji plastered across social media and in news articles, they clearly indicate that they have all the time in the world, especially with making grand empty speeches all over Fiji [and always with garlands] and around the world.
Sadly, these once desperate candidates, now in power, have quickly forgotten the people who helped them to get elected.