AIYAZ Sayed Khaiyum and his electoral designers chose to do away with By-Election in the 2013 Constitution to ensure that Fiji First Party numbers remained the same during the life-term of Parliament. And the Opposition happily taking advantage of the provision, even though it is quite contrary to TRUE democracy. We will not see any BOYCOTT from them on this one.The Constitution says if the seat held by an MP who is a member of a political party becomes vacant, then the Electoral Commission must award that seat to the candidate of the same party who in the most recent general election, is the highest ranked in the party. So, a losing candidate can go away and milk cows for the next three years only to be told that he or she can return to Parliament for a seat has become VACANT. UNBELIEVABLE and UNACCEPTABLE PROVISION! By-elections are usually considered the first meaningful indicator of a change in the political wind after a general election - one can measure popularity or disgust for political parties and their policies. Will a failed candidate for a Government job be extended the same luxury if the person who got the job drops dead at work, home or in hospital?