![]() A TOP New Zealand diplomat who died last year has left behind a sharply undiplomatic book revealing how Fiji’s military strongman personally threatened “to get him” and describes the regime as one characterised by intimidation and thuggery. Michael Green in 2009 became the first New Zealand diplomat to be declared persona non grata when coup leader Voreqe Bainimarama ordered him out as high commissioner. The book titled Persona Non Grata: Breaking the Bond – New Zealand and Fiji 2004-2007, will be launched on June 27 at the Victoria University in New Zealand. According to the website www.cid.org.nz, the Speaker at the event would be Rt. Hon. Winston Peters. Green, who died last year of cancer, writes of the secret advice he was giving Wellington during the 2006 democracy ending military coup. His tough worded criticism of Bainimarama’s “volatile personality” is likely to anger Suva again. Fiji is “characterised by intimidation and thuggery, arbitrary and vindictive dismissals, abandonment of principles and personal betrayals, official misinformation and media censorship, and the deliberate perversion of state institutions.” Green, watching the conspiring leading to Fiji’s fourth coup, lived next door to Bainimarama. As the crisis deepened, they quietly had New Zealand Police posted to Suva to prepare for “the possibility that an evacuation of citizens.” When police put a radio aerial on the roof of the residence, Bainimarama complained they were spying on him. By November 2006 Green heard from credible sources that the Fiji Police were planning to arrest Bainimarama for sedition and disobeying lawful orders. Bainimarama instead made a series of demands and threatened a coup.He went to New Zealand on a private visit for the first communion of a grand child but “got it into his head” that New Zealand would arrest him. “He phoned (Defence Attache) Al MacKinnon to him that that, if he should be arrested, his ‘boys’ would be sent over the fence into the Residence to ‘get me’.”The threats were taken seriously and mission families were sent home. Then Foreign Minister Winston Peters told Bainimarama would not be arrested in Wellington. Green said the commander was never interested in negotiations, and pocketed every concession with no reciprocity. After the coup took place, New Zealand imposed a ban on all regime officials visiting. Bainimarama rang up a high commission official and said “tell your high commissioner to watch out for retaliation.” Green cites a “Muslim Coup” aspect of 2006 in which Nazhat Shameem, a high court judge, and her sister Shaista of the Fiji Human Rights Commission, advised Bainimarama’s secretive military council. Shaista is now a Grey Lynn lawyer. Another Muslim lawyer Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum was also involved. “In due course all three were to be beneficiaries of the coup.” In June 2007 Green made a speech about democracy and the coup and received a call saying Bainimarama did not like it. Then the Junior All Blacks arrived in Suva to play Fiji. Green was invited to sit in President Josefa Iloilo’s tent to watch. It turned out he had a better seat than that given to Bainimarama and Sayed-Khaiyum who were directly behind some New Zealand families “One of the children waved a New Zealand flag throughout the game, while another one shook a big, black rubbery artificial finger every time New Zealand scored.” His expulsion order came soon after: “If my role at the rugby was not the reason for my expulsion, I am sure that it was the precipitant. “ Green said Bainimarama has a long record of getting rid of people who challenged him, stood up to him, or crossed him – or were perceived by him to have done so. He is not interested in advice or assistance unless it is to sustain him in power or to implement his agenda in its entirety. “He is uncomfortable with the clash of ideas, negotiation and compromise, all critical elements of effectively functioning democracies.” Green said he doubted Bainimarama would ever deliver on his promises of better governance and genuine democracy. Green said it was plain the Fiji military standards were slipping and its soldiers were old and unfit.Bainimarama had always resisted change or improvement and so the army had a much higher average age than others. Territorials called up during the coup became seriously unwell: “Up to a dozen of them were said to have died.” Sunday Star-Times, New Zealand Click HERE to listen to Michael Green's wife, Gillian, who talks about their years in Fiji - until the unexpected announcement of Michaels' change in diplomatic status to Persona Non Grata (unwelcome person) in 2007. See also Russell Hunter and Victor Lal Fiji police chief tried to get Bainimarama arrested in NZ. And Victor Lal, Why Ratu Joni and Green were told to go; also read below Hunter's new Opinion piece, Election 2014: FIJI voters dreaming! Listen to former NZ Foreign Minister Winston Peters on Green's book and Fiji. Click HERE |
Kavita Sharma
23/6/2013 02:49:55 pm
Jone Mandraiwiwi and Green used to have many secret meeting at the V.President's office. Green was not kicked out for Rugby but for being noisy and planning plot against Fiji Military. Green gave a very anti political speech at Navua's Vashist Muni Primary.
23/6/2013 03:04:49 pm
Kavita Sharma... It is as if you were born yesterday. It's portrait as a "Muslim Coup" because its a bunch of Opportunists Muslims who control Fiji Today not the foot soldiers and anyone else for that matter. You should take up History lessons. It also appears you are a Regime stooge or a Regime inner circle to have certain information relayed in your comments. If you are NOT; its time to OPEN UP YOUR EYES AND BRAINS
Kavita Sharma
23/6/2013 03:25:35 pm
Patel, I am a History Lecture and believe me my boy I can teach your types of 'Racists' what racism has done so far.
Kavita, who care if you are a history lecturer - sounds to me like you are full of revisionist history. Both Green and Kavita are right, this was a Muslim supported coup and you can clearly see the benificaries including Aiyarse, his aunt Nur Bano Choro, the ugly sisters, Aslam voda-choro, and their whole families. Quick run to them for some crumbs, you so ignorant.
Parasites in Paradise
3/7/2013 12:47:38 am
Kavita, you say you are a lecturer???? Islam is a religion not a race. Where do you teach?. As for Green's claims, test them for yourself.
Kavita Sharma
23/6/2013 03:56:10 pm
Rohit, so you do believe in Christ? Did he taught you through his word of God - The Bible to practice racism?
Suva lawyer
23/6/2013 05:58:01 pm
Can't see how it is a Muslim coup when the first order of business with the Independant Legal Services Commission was the investigation of lawyers many of whom are Muslims, and most notably related to Nazhat and Shaista Shameem.
Kavita Sharma
23/6/2013 08:19:12 pm
Thank you Suva Lawyer, that was a sound-proof slap on the faces of those who have been making irrelevant allegations on Shameem sisters. If they were involved, they would have been sitting in the higher government office.
23/6/2013 10:45:46 pm
Really Suva Lawyer or is it "head in the Sand" Lawyer.. selective memory indeed... Can you now tell us how many persons of low qualifications and of Muslim faith hold High offices of Government and Government statuary Bodies..... Can you also tell us how many business people of Muslim faith is benefiting from this coup...and really truly who holds the balance of power in this Regime..and Kavita Sharma "Slap in the face" really???? The truth will surely be revealed and it would be not surprising if most of the core decision makers of this regime (the silent movers) are of Muslim faith... starting from the Military High Office.... but then I could be right????? ONLY TIME WILL TELL
23/6/2013 10:49:43 pm
ohohoho I like your idea of sound proof kavika...just like...well if Bainimarama did commit treason, he would not be ruining the country as he is now...that's what they teach at USP law school?? omg
23/6/2013 10:54:53 pm
are u a lawyer seriously???
Suva lawyer
24/6/2013 12:11:59 am
Instead of firing blanks why don't you name the Muslims you reckon are of "low qualifications" Patel and let us then start on talking about something substantive instead of the hullaballoo with little much else (by way of solid material) you seem intent on. Just because you are adept a throwing mud does not make your allegations any more coherent.
Kavita Sharma
24/6/2013 12:19:03 am
Professor, you talking about Raza? OMG, ask him why he was removed by Rabuka. Slack ass, he does not know his job. He is jealous of Nazhat Shameem because.....................................ask Professor, if he has the guts, he will tell you the truth.
Suva lawyer
24/6/2013 12:36:05 am
Look at the substance, not the rhetoric.
Kavita Sharma
24/6/2013 12:22:11 am
Professor also prove your allegations against Nazhat Shameem of being unethical and corrupt. Lets hear it on this blog. Don't just bark, provide evidence of what you said in this regards.
suva lawyer
24/6/2013 12:43:55 am
Herr Professor, Sieg Heil !
24/6/2013 12:27:32 pm
suva lawyer, are u really a lawyer???
Kavita Sharma
24/6/2013 01:48:27 pm
Professor sounds like John Apted - phufta saraga! You really need to give evidence to support your allegations - do not run away from the topic.Name one incident where you can prove Nazhat Shameem to be 'corrupt, unethical, deceitful and incompetent judge'. If you do not have evidence, just piss off.
Editor, Fijileaks
24/6/2013 03:04:06 pm
Dear Kavita Sharma
suva lawyer
24/6/2013 02:17:01 pm
If that is all you have "Professor" then keep wallowing in the mud. Throwing it seems to be your forte. How dirty are your hands ?
Kavita Sharma
24/6/2013 03:15:54 pm
Oh I forgot this is 'his/her' Blog. Pardon me
24/6/2013 03:33:46 pm
Great book - as seen by a diplomat. Probably wrong in making generalisations about Muslims but accurate in all others ie Shammem sisters coup involvement etc....
Kavita Sharma
24/6/2013 03:35:51 pm
Hey Astrologer, you sound scary man!
Kavita Sharma
24/6/2013 04:23:15 pm
Another dog barking here and another parrot making unnecessary noise here: put some evidence - especially for Nazhat Shameem!. Dr Sahista Shameem wrote a lengthy report in favour of the take over - ok her involvement was there in that sense ONLY - that was her view regarding take over. Nazhat Shameem was not even re-appointed as Judge, how can one say she had a hand in advising Military Council??? If she had, she would have been appointed as Chief Justice!
24/6/2013 03:40:04 pm
Lets walk back to 2006. Honourable lawyers, professors and lecturers. So, is Bainimarama guilty of treason?
Kavita Sharma
24/6/2013 03:52:29 pm
Even Form 3 students know that such decisions are not made by Professors, Lecturers or Lawyers.
24/6/2013 06:59:25 pm
Dear lecturer Kavita Sharma, The court did its job in 2009. It declared Bainimaramas regime illegal. It upheld the 1997 constitution. So now lts all answer this as a Form 3 student. Is Bainimarama guilty of treason?
Kavita Sharma
24/6/2013 07:37:59 pm
There is appeal after all judgments up to Supreme Court. Don't you know what happened after 2009 judgment?
25/6/2013 06:00:01 pm
tell us what happened. We are in Form 3 mode at the moment.
24/6/2013 09:12:18 pm
Kavita, you seem to like to argue for the sake of arguing. VB should have used the supreme court to appeal, but alas no, like in everything else he took the short, ILLEGAL way out. The coup was to save his hide, abrogating the cnstitution and courts was to save his hide. And everything he has done up till now has been to save his hide. And we the taxpayers are paying for him to save his hide. Ridiculous.
Kavita Sharma
24/6/2013 09:35:08 pm
That's what I said David, he did appealed - by abrogating the Constitution! He chose his choice of court to appeal.
24/6/2013 11:02:08 pm
What idiotic logic is that Kavita?! I,am having some trouble following the wave of your argument but in any case, if he was so dissatisfied with the then govt, why not like every other politician, run for govt and stand in election back then?
24/6/2013 11:26:05 pm
Kavita Sharma
25/6/2013 12:38:58 am
So you feel the pain now Professor/David? Go back to your rooms, St. Giles people are looking for you .
25/6/2013 07:31:38 am
kavika, ur abusive mouth,...u sure u not nazi, ...same temperament, if cant win an argument, bad mouth the opponent and get someone to beat them up....I guess u forgot that she beats up aslam lots of times, and she swore and affidavit bad mouthing another judge so she could interfere in a judicial process and was told in no uncertain terms that she had no business there, and a judge who advises an army to do an illegal act, and cunningly decides to stay out of the judiciary because her kids were going to be kicked out of England but professes to be the guru in ethics and domestic violence and judicial independence.....etc....
Kavita Sharma
25/6/2013 11:22:55 am
You call yourself Professor? You are actually a kindergarten drop out.
Court Recorder
25/6/2013 04:15:42 pm
Fiji judiciary is a fragile institution because of coup culture
Court Recorder
25/6/2013 04:22:26 pm
Justice Fatiaki concluded his minute by expressing the hope that his explanation of what had occurred would set Justice Shameem’s mind at rest.
Court Reporter
25/6/2013 04:26:07 pm
It is unheard of for a Judge to intervene, or seek leave to intervene in such an appeal, even in a case where his or her judgment is severely criticised, or he or she is said to be disqualified for actual or ostensible bias.
25/6/2013 06:02:26 pm
Lecturer Kavita Sharma. What do you mean when you say "he did appealed". I would have said "he did appeal" but since you are the lecturer and I am just a Form 3 student, please teach us.
Kaviat Sharma
25/6/2013 06:43:01 pm
It is called typing error! There is vast difference between typing error and making allegations. If you ever went to school, you will understand.
25/6/2013 06:45:46 pm
This Kavita Sharma aka Suva Lawyer is none other than Siffat Khan blogging from CHEN BUN YOUNG and Associates Lautoka desperately trying to save her mother's tattered reputation. Nazhat Shameem is looking for an escape strategy and she has none so its desperation now on the part of her family members throwing stones in every direction.
Kavita Sharma
25/6/2013 07:01:39 pm
NOW who is this 'Siffat Khan'?
25/6/2013 10:33:13 pm
oooo Commodore, your post confirms the rumour that Chen is now pro regime...or maybe he's always been pro regime who knows...seems odd when he was president of the law society during the Rabuka (?) coup, he demanded Sir Tim step down as CJ for apparently taking sides with the Rabuka government.
25/6/2013 08:36:45 pm
Kavika read lewa Siffat Khan is Nazi's daughter
Kavita Sharma
25/6/2013 09:32:33 pm
Oh thank you Bole, I tell you it would have been an honour for me to have been born to Nazhat Shameem.
25/6/2013 10:20:58 pm
Thank you Court Reporter for enlightening Kavika the lawyer. God help Fiji if this is the calibre of young lawyers in Fiji now. I hope u can understand the evidence. do you need an explanation that judges do not advise governments and particularly to advise a government to do an illegal act...and that the domestic violence decree (the one she explains to all police officers and women in Fiji) applies to her too? I guess u must be satisfied of the evidence because u have now shifted back to defending ur aunt Shyster.
Kavita Sharma
25/6/2013 10:26:29 pm
Professor, you are the biggest idiot. The above published by your goodself is from Victor Lal - the childish journalist who thinks his the best..
25/6/2013 11:13:41 pm
isa Kavika, u r beyond help.
26/6/2013 01:29:04 am
Let me explain this. I was the clerk with Criminal Registry during the above issue was raised. Bale who was AG and Mr Fatiaki who was the CJ during that season used to be very close friends. Bale wanted to get the people jailed for 2000 coup out of prison and he needed Mr Fatiaki to help- him. Judge Scott was brought in because he did not had good relationship with Judge Shameem and Judge Gates.Let me also highlight this that Justice Ward objected Judge Scotts appointment as a Appeals Court Judge because he was disqualified from hearing Judge Shameem and Judge Gates\s appeals. When Judge Shameem filed objection , she filed it on the above grounds that Judge Scott was never allowed to hear her appeal and Judge Gates's appeal then why he is being assigned this matter which was Judge Shameem's appeal. But as far as I understand although I am also not a lawyer however by my experience at the court registry, I would say if Judge Shameem would not have filed that Affidavit then all those Speight supporters such as Rakuita would have not been sent to prison. It was because of that Affidavit, CJ Fatiaki had to upheld the conviction.
25/6/2013 11:29:43 pm
Going by Kavita's posts its almost like reading something from a bipolar. Best we stay right away from those rantings.
Kavita Sharma
25/6/2013 11:53:24 pm
Professor John Apted using the word 'Bitch' was not warned by Editor. Thats biased. This blog is set up to display anti Muslim attitude, thats biased.
Fiji Judge
26/6/2013 02:04:06 am
Kavita, you say the following: "Professor, you are the biggest idiot. The above published by your goodself is from Victor Lal - the childish journalist who thinks his the best."
Fiji Judge
26/6/2013 02:11:26 am
Justice Shameem’s critics would later claim that she was neither Chief Justice nor Acting Chief Justice and was not therefore qualified to chair the JSC meeting or to vote, a charge which I have disputed in another column. In any event, as president of the Fiji Court of Appeal, Justice Ward could not have also constitutionally acted as CJ following the coup
2/7/2013 07:29:34 pm
Madam justice Kavita , I didn't say your daughter was a lawyer,did I. You have let the cat out of the bag,so your daughter is also a lawyer aye? Hope she's not as conniving as you and untrustworthy either.
26/6/2013 02:09:51 am
Look at the horizon Kavita and friends.....the dust is rising from the army galloping towards your defeat and beheading and putting your heads on a pole down Victoria Parade............au voir !!!!
26/6/2013 06:26:47 am
The Judge who was the clerk at the registry. are u sure u not the toilet cleaner that kavika consulted for her proof the Victor Lal made up the story?? thank God u not a lawyer either.
Judiciary Board
26/6/2013 01:26:55 pm
Commodore and OMG - both talk like Dr Sahista Shameem!
Fiji Sun Reader
26/6/2013 01:45:34 pm
Kavita Sharma
Kavita Sharma
26/6/2013 02:19:06 pm
Hey Dr Syster Shameem, you still in Fiji? You need to do lot of praying. I do not read Victor Lal's garbage. You read it, who cares what he is writing, he is not a saint that he has to be believed every time he piss. Ask Victor how he got news from judiciary? Of-course you and Ex Judge Marshall were his closest friends - remember or you want ,me to elaborate on that?
26/6/2013 02:32:16 pm
elaborate pls we cant wait
Kavita Sharma
26/6/2013 03:38:34 pm
There is 23 pages article coming up soon on this issue regarding Dr and Marshall's Petition. Sit and wait to read
Editor, Fijileaks
26/6/2013 04:22:00 pm
Dear Professor
26/6/2013 06:20:40 pm
would take Victor Lal more seriously than the self serving Marshall and Shyster, seriously Kavika, evidence not self serving lies.
26/6/2013 08:46:13 pm
How long did that 23 pages take you to write Kavita?
Tax Watcher
27/6/2013 12:55:16 am
If we are to believe this Kavita woman or man (whoever it is), in 2008 Victor Lal also made up Mahendra Chaudhry's tax story - that the FLP leader was hiding two million dollars, away from Indo-Fijian victims of George Speight's coup, in Australian bank accounts. That time Mahend denied having the money, sued Victor and Fiji Sun, and is now on trial for tax evasion - admitting he had the money but claiming that it was given to him by India to relocate to Australia! I look forward to Kavita's 23 pages of materials against Dr Shameem
DR supporter
2/7/2013 03:04:07 pm
no tax watcher, the 23 pages is not against the doc. its the docs and marshalls self promoting so called petition of one with two dishonest and unprincipled sisters behind it.
2/7/2013 06:09:32 pm
The report from the Judge is eye opening and I personally didn't find it self promoting for either of the sisters. I think we all need to see the reality and read the reports in detail to stop these nonsense attacks on these women.I believe once you have read and remembered who did what ,you will realise who the culprits were and are. I was in the Police team photographing the two Shameem households during the middle of 2006 and only saw the silver army car(nissan cefiro) frequent the home of Aslam Khan in Nararo street.
4/7/2013 12:43:52 pm
you have just confirmed the role of the sisters in advising and advancing franks coup.
5/7/2013 07:51:39 am
so there is photographic circumstantial evidence that the madam was at the time in 2006, a judge of the high court, advising kaiyum and Bainimarama to carryout a coup which is now proven to be illegal and unjustified.
8/7/2013 04:08:20 pm
Its becoming clearer, by the post, that Kavika Sharma is none other than Nazhat Shameem. But you all knew that. Its up to Kavita to deny this. Regardless of all the commotion here, one thing is clear, and that is, the judiciary in Fiji is in tatters, as much as the reputation of them key players are. What is the remedy?
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