This, and other overseas based, blogs, no longer need to report such controversial matters. I think their most useful role now would be to publish informed, fair minded, balanced assessments of the 'news' published by the media: the sort of thing written by the likes of Victor Lal in Fiji Leaks and Waden Narsey on his webpage but with more objectivity and no political point scoring. Ideally, of course, the lead should come from investigative journalism by the mainstream media but for the present few local journalists have the knowledge and skills to write in-depth analytical reports.
In the absence of independent critiques, I am left disturbed and puzzled by the resignation of former FNU Vice-Chancellor Dr Ganesh Chand. Was it truly by mutual agreement or was it forced, and what were the reasons for the resignation however it came to be?
Equally disturbing are the circumstances leading to the resignation (and later the withdrawal of the resignation and then the refusal to accept the withdrawal) of Acting Permanent Secretary of Education Ms Basundra Kumar and the nature of her accusations about the (mis)management of the education portfolio by Education Minister Dr Mahendra Reddy that is copied below from the Fiji Times.
Are these happenings examples of the removal of people who are impeding needed reforms in Fiji education, or are they, as Mrs Kumar claims in relation to her own experiences, examples of breaches of procedures, cronyism and non-participative behaviour?
Where is that grog bowl around which Fijians reputedly sit to talk and resolve their differences in a traditional and modern manner?
One looks to FijiFirst's parliamentary leader Col. Pio Tikoduadua for full disclosure and transparency on the issues involved and to Opposition Shadow Minister of Education Ro Teimumu Kepa not to aggravate the situation. One looks also for an independent investigative report of the events and issues involved by a competent local researcher. I'd like to think Wadan is up to the challenge.
Happy New Year everyone. I will be publishing less regularly this year but will try to comment or draw readers' attention to major issues, mainly those involving principles of governance. -- Croz; Fijileaks says Happy New Year to Croz and we hope he takes deserved rest.