The Vice-President of Fiji First Party Ratu Wiliame Katonivere left Bainimarama/Khaiyum's party after talking to the Tui Cakau A High Court in Labasa this week ordered Adi Sera Katonivere, in her capacity as administrator of the late Ratu Aisea Katonivere's estate, to pay Macuata Holdings' $70,295 in damages for loss of income stemming from a payment it made in 2006 to settle a loan held by the deceased with the Fiji Development Bank. Macuata Holdings Limited had paid $47,200 to the deceased's FDB loan on June 23 that year. And Justice Chandrasiri Kotigalage topped it up by $23,095 for interest at the rate of six per cent per annum from June 23 up till two days ago when the judgment came to pass. Macuata Holdings had claimed for $129,789.62 in special damages and also requested that general damages be assessed. And in its writ of summons filed on 7 March this year provided the alternative that Adi Sera be ordered to transfer Crown Lease No.2957 being the estate of the late Ratu Aisea - Lot 54 Muanikau Subdivision - to Macuata Holdings. Court papers show that the establishment's claim of $129,789.62 stems from four payments it claimed to have been made from Macuata Holdings account to the late Ratu Aisea. Aside from the FDB loan, it had paid $5580 to Sun Insurance, $27,718 to the Commissioner of Inland Revenue and $49,300 to Asco Motors. Macuata Holdings claimed the said amount as specific damages on the basis that the said payments were made for the benefit of the late Ratu Aisea. However, Justice Kotigalage said based on evidence placed before the court, it only backed up claims of payments made to the FDB to discharge the mortgage of the crown lease No.2957. He said Macuata Holdings failed to establish before the court the other payments made to Sun Insurance, Commissioner General of Inland Revenue and Asco Motors were payments made for the liabilities of the late Ratu Aisea. Justice Kotigalage said there were also no ground for the court to use its discretion to award any general damages. He also issued no order for costs. Source: Fijilive.
24/8/2014 08:51:17 am
In today's political climate, just as it is a norm in a dictatorship, anything and everything go. You are either with the regime or not. If you are with it, fine. You are its friend and the regime is your friend, too.
Viti Tuimereke
24/8/2014 11:34:52 am
This regime victimises and blackmail it's members.
24/8/2014 01:54:35 pm
Me da yadra tiko na I davo na matanitu da vakalolomataki...let's stand up n be counted......
24/8/2014 02:59:13 pm
Just another confirmation that Fiji is still under thug rulers who use the law for political persecution of influential people who are not with THEM. Many of course have been cowered into being with THEM. They know which side their own bread (vested interest) is buttered at the present time.
24/8/2014 06:06:06 pm
Once this dictatorship vacates office, Fiji will become like modern day Iraq...chaos,calamity, murders, rapes and what not, remember the arab spring for democracy and then protest. We may not like what we have but the alternative will be like democratic ISIS in action here albeit called democratic itaukei movement.....THINK HARD AND FAST BEFORE ELECTIONS
25/8/2014 06:57:05 pm
Tribal wars are over in Fiji,since Fijians accepted Christianity.your baseless threat about a Middle Eastern like conflict here in Fiji is laughable.we fijian have our faith and our chiefs plus our culture to stand on.truth will prevail,and light will triumph over darkness.God bless and protect my beloved Fiji.
Subam Choi
27/8/2014 07:01:51 pm
Killing someone if found stealing is done in Middle East. That was done during dictatorship government just recently, this was Saddam Hussein' s why of leading. Why would someone vote violence into parliament, we have been democrat and can achieve democracy if we just leave the old grips; "oh we will be saved by military because police don't have a gun". Fijians, Indians, Chinese and other race just have to start living normal by refraining from using or even thinking that " Oh You Kai-viti", "Oh Kai-India" or "Communist or Chinese Man. All races have respected Fijian Culture because we understand that high chiefs are installation from ancestral times and we should accept that fact. Our culture begins from our chiefly hierarchy and we just cannot demolish them just because one man believe so. We giving current regime a vote means we giving our throats for slaughter. All promises made before he opted to stand election were lies; "Me and any of my ministers will not contest election" what happened now. Can we believe that promises during the campaign will flourish or another lie. Gear-up people great destruction are coming towards us, is it fair if children are studying free but parents are not able to feed them properly, Government give housing assistance but interest rates have risen dramatically, built bridges and roads but increased road levies. These gimmicks are clear but lot of us are ignorant against accepting facts. Why was there a huge increment in civil servants pay just few months before election because most of the civil servants are teachers and there are young student voters and who would be the most influential person to retrieve votes from students - exactly teachers. Lets join hands and elect a better government.
Yash Maharaj
25/8/2014 01:26:50 am
Two days after Ratu Aisea died, William his younger brother who was looked after Rt Aisea as his son, sent his agent to ANZ Bank in Labasa and ordered a new bank cheque without any knowledge od Adi Sera - Ratu Aisea's widow who had in her possesion the original bank cheque which was used by Macuata Holdings. William is not worth to be respected as a chief. He warned ANZ staff that if they do not do as he wants then they will be in problem once he becomes next Tui Macuata
25/8/2014 05:51:11 am
And where exactly did you get this information?
Timaima Tiralase
25/8/2014 06:23:32 pm
Get your facts right Yash. You have been completely blinded by hearsay.
Joe Yaya
25/8/2014 01:28:09 am
A “cultural jihad” is being deployed using the laws and rights imposed on us in the 2013 Constitution to work against our civil liberties and over time establish “sharia law” as the law of the land, and islam the dominant religion. The plan is to remove the fundamental structures and identity of the i-taukei that include the Great Council of Chiefs and the Christian religion. The imposition of a secular state is to facilitate religious tolerance and forbid the conversion of anyone to the Christian faith. Control of traditional land and qoliqoli is coming under the guise of the Land Use Decree and Surfing Decree, ultimately giving control of these traditionally-owned assets to the new state that is forming. The democratic landscape our politics used to compete in is being undermined by this new threat of political warfare, coming in waves of lies and deception. They are blaming the coup culture on ethnic voting principles, while claiming the sweeping changes they are making is to rid the bad habit, and steer Fiji in the right path? But we have never had a problem with equal citizenry. Everyone has always been equal before the law. We don’t have separate public transportation for Indo-Fijians or separate public toilets for that matter. In fact, it’s the majority of the i-taukei who are living like second-class citizens in their own country. Which race comprises the largest numbers of market/street vendors to make a living? Which race mostly uses public transport? The beggars and those that live in filth on our streets comprise mostly of which race? They are making it an issue to suit their agenda.The motive of equal citizenry is to stimulate and mobilize a moderate islamic movement among the 80,000 odd muslims currently living in Fiji and those that will come from islamic countries abroad. Already, they hold most of the strategic government, diplomatic, public and private sector leadership posts in and out of the country. Make no mistake about it...islam’s goal is to rule the world and Fiji is caught up in the third and final phase of fulfilling that ambition. The sad thing is Bainimarama, the army, police, and prison officers, most of who are i-taukei and of the Christian faith, are giving them the platform to achieve their plans. So that leaves us with no other option but to pray for our nation. Because our own security forces and their leaders have bought the deception and are under the spell and guise of this evil force brooding over our nation.
Tuma Tina Baleisuva
25/8/2014 05:58:16 pm
Ni sa ra yadra mai na move era sa na qai kila na vakaloloma eda sa kelia tiko na kena qara sega na botona... sa vinaka ni sa qai rai rawa na turaga na tui Macuata... eda sarava na isau ni nodra mau na luvei Viti dina...
rastanever dies
25/8/2014 08:39:14 pm
raica ni veicai....levu ga na ka o ni vakaya..o bainimarama e na wini ga na elections qo.... ni segatiko mada ga ni o ni rawa ni cakava kina e dua na ka..wini na elections qo wini tale dua tale na election....
Daniela Yaya
26/8/2014 04:27:59 am
Its so easy to blame the misdeeds of corrupt Fijian chiefs on Voreqe Bainimarama.
Raquel Albanyz
26/8/2014 07:19:12 am
If Fijians just put their differences aside. Sit and think. Don't blame anyone. You yourself can see what is happening in Fiji. Ask yourself where is all the finance coming from?, who will pay all these debts, how are we going to pay these debts. Fiji is only small. There no more sugar cane, banana,copra. Export nothing.
Proud fijian
27/8/2014 05:45:42 am
I believe our Fijian should think deeper n be wiser who they select on this election because a small tick in the box will dictate how our country will run in the next 4 years.Everyone that voting Bainimarama should think twice everything he is doing is all cover up.Many people know that but we don't have freedom of speech in Fiji.
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