HUMPTY DUMPTY: 'If history is any guide, it will be Richard Naidu.
But let us wait and see who will lead the desired Coalition Party in 2022'
Get it right, Richard NAIDU Well, Richard Naidu, for someone rated as one of the country’s top notch lawyers, you appear to be rather obtuse. Obviously you did not read Mr Chaudhry’s article thoroughly, as you should have. Of course, Mr Chaudhry answered your point about “small parties”. But he did it tactfully as an experienced political leader would without stepping on toes. Read once again the paras about nothing in politics being permanent. He pointed out several examples from history to illustrate this. Besides, NFP should recall this rather vividly. Against all odds and riding high in its coalition with Rabuka , it received a shocking rebuke from the electorate when it was completely annihilated in the 1999 general elections by a “small” Labour Party that the polls showed had no hope in hell of winning. Politics is the art of the possible as we have demonstrated time and again. Your argument is not only fallacious but it smacks of utter arrogance and is unbecoming at a time when attempts are being made to get opposition parties together to contest the 2022 elections as a united front – in the national interest. The 2022 elections will be a completely different ball game. Wait and see. |