We say instead of basking in another 'Cakaudrove led Coup', Rabuka should CHOOSE - to keep hiding under the sulu of immunity or join his coupist comrade Frank Bainimarama in a grand political coalition
24/6/2016 08:19:40 pm
Escape goat is back!!
24/6/2016 08:46:44 pm
The last 24 hours have brought about the demise of a once big coloniser and slave master,Britain. The UK is imploding and so is SODELPA. But great things rise from the ashes of evil. "WE THE PEOPLE" of Fiji now have a choice for 2018, thanks to Rabuka. He was ready for a reform in 1999 but due to Indian bloc voting we were deprived of the opportunity to have a true unity party in the form of SVT/NFP.
Rajend Naidu
24/6/2016 10:05:07 pm
King Rat
24/6/2016 11:54:33 pm
The bigger questions now are:
26/6/2016 11:40:36 pm
“It is disappointing to know that Rabuka is the new Leader of SODELPA.” Ms Deo said Rabuka started the coup culture in the country in 1987."He escaped all accountability for his actions and has not shown the kind of leadership that is needed for our country” (Roshika Deo, Independent political candidate in Fiji Sun).
25/6/2016 12:50:25 am
One executed a coup to divide the country and to marginalise completely one group of people treating them as second class citizens
Mick Beddoes
25/6/2016 01:28:31 am
King Rat
25/6/2016 03:54:22 am
What you say is true Mick. But you know as a politician that the 'liumuri' is very much part of politics - changing sides, backstabbing, jockeying for power etc. In Fiji you have to add the military coup as part of that process.
25/6/2016 02:04:41 am
Give Rabuka a chance to get rid of the Bai-Kai dictatorship and bring back democracy in Fiji. Tui Cakau has given him his blessings. Many of us, though wry of dominance over our islands, are duty bound to support him now. For the country, we have seen leaders of all sorts over the past 10 years. None could lead us with courage, conviction and determination. Will Rabuka display conviction, commitment and resolve to bring back democracy? Let the duly elected leader (without rigging or gerrymandering) lead us now.
25/6/2016 12:17:32 pm
You are obviously one of those desperate ethno-nationalists who are so blinkered that you cannot see the forest from the trees.
25/6/2016 07:10:49 am
There is a text in the Christian bible that states something along the lines that it is better to follow rules than to apologise for breaking them. In Fijian it states e vinaka cake mo talai rawarawa, e ca mo qai Kere vei vosoti. Rabuka waffles his way through life with a Tabua ever present in his brief case to apologise to others for his totally self motivated actions. Tabua in hand he has apologised to Ratu Penaia Ganilau who is equally complicit as Rabuka for the coup, he apologised to his Provincial Council, his Navatu people, to those harmed by his 1987 coup, to the Methodist Church, to his wife for his affairs with a now deceased secretary at the Fiji embassy in London, to Frank Bainimarama following which his pension was reinstated and on Friday to SODELPA leadership for God knows what this time. Why can't he be a normal person who follows rules like everybody else and is respectful of the rights of others. He is a mysoginist who like his previous SVT Party will lead the SODELPA to a path of destruction and irrelevance. This is one time I am ashamed to be a Fijian I taukei
King Rat
25/6/2016 12:24:01 pm
Vinaka Pita. You hit the nail on the head this time.
25/6/2016 09:05:09 am
IF anyone is blaming Rabuka now then equally Kubuobola should be blamed and then likewise Fiji First and its top 2 brass. If they have guts then show the people(even though late) and sack Kubuobola now and then condemn Rabuka-otherwise keep shut both of you have toppled democracy!One to foster indigenous rights and other to save himself from 2000 involvement,people are so stupid because they cant understand he has immunity from 2000.Go Rabuka Go.
25/6/2016 09:11:37 am
Comments by Rabuka to Pita & Mick was uncalled for, he should be ashamed of himself coming in and still barking, I suggest he keep his mouth shut and deliver. Obviously who voted for you. You are an opportunist.
25/6/2016 10:34:25 am
I would advise extreme caution when reading these posts. Victor has spewed his venom every which way but doesn't not offer any solution. Yes Victor, its easy to sit and pass judgement and claim so called journalistic status...
26/6/2016 06:44:03 pm
Fiji Politics is a joke. Glad I left this shit-hole for good. Nothing good ever will come out of this country until we have people like Ro Kepa, Rabuka, Bai and Kai on the forefront of the country politics.
27/6/2016 02:51:33 am
The ever hanging tides with the accompanying sentiments just because of Rabuka!? We so wanted to get rid of Bai/Kai and so disappointed that SODELPA just didn't have the oomph, drive, guts and skills to hammer Fiji First, allowed themselves to be mocked in that infamous monkey-dance by the biggest ape in politics, and barely had any voice of any significance in Parliament!!! Forget about Rabuka for now; is there anyone willing to stand up and be counted as a worthy leader in Opposition?? Ok for Mick and the rest of them to leave, but where lies your loyalty?? sandy foundations not the best to built homes - even in politics.
Great Wall
28/6/2016 03:13:52 am
It's such as irony some of the very people claiming to be against Bai/Kai has done a backflip and has joined the coup daddy's army. It just shows that they are mere hypocrites and opportunities. If the coup daddy is good, bainimarama can be considered excellent. Bai didn't even bring about half the misery that Rambo brought. Sa mate saraga na SODELPA.
1/7/2016 03:41:42 am
sa marge/mate ko SODELPA, sa lamu/rere ko Pita and Mick. If you really believe in a Party, you stay loyal to it no matter the circumstances. If things not going your way or your beliefs, you fight to be heard and to convince people that you're right; not friggin abandon at first fright!! Interesting scenes indeed and unwittingly given us the opportunity to watch probable future election candidates behave and respond to current situations.
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