Police cell news goes viral: Raj provides ready copy to cartoonists:
He won't resign for the coward knows that if he does, he will be revealing his identity!
The victim he was shouting at in "a drunken infirmity state of mind" turned out to be an Indo-Fijian FEMALE Government Lawyer who called the POLICE! He was thrown into a cell when he began abusing police!
IN an attempt to avoid being hauled before the court the next day after a night in the Samabula Police Station cell the MIDA chairman Ashwin Raj has lodged a complaint against his police "jailors". In a statement Police Commissioner Ben Groenewald said the person concerned (Raj) has also lodged an official complaint against the alleged manner his case was handled by police.The matter has been referred to the Internal Affairs Department for investigation.
Fijileaks sources in the Fiji Police High Command said Raj had bought a house in 21 Kikau St, Samabula. It is believed he had a prior arrangement with the previous owner, a Government lawyer for her to stay in the house after the sale for some months. Raj allegedly came home drunk and started swearing at the lady lawyer who works for the Government.
Police were called and he was arrested and taken to Samabula Police Station. He became abusive to police and started swearing at them. Police locked him and he was later bailed without appearing in court. Raj will appear in court on the 13th of February 2015. The "Bully Boy" so used to reading excerpts from the Media Decree to journalists, both local and international (including trying to bully Fijileaks), finally met his match when the Government lawyer read to police the "chapter and verse" from the criminal justice act - they had no choice but to LOCK him up in a police cell and when he sobered the next day they charged him with annoyance.
Let us see how long will this "Media Rottweiler" continue to avoid JUSTICE!