VC Rajesh Chandra largely responsible for spiralling legal costs because he arbitrarily decides to get rid of staff who are a threat to HIM!
Everyone is EQUAL in Fiji: If it is so, why no native Fijian on USP Board?
HON. A.T. VADEI.- I am surprised that there is no I Taukei to be a board member of the USP. There used to be I Taukei who are successful in the field of accounting, economics, et cetera, to be there. What really happened to that?
MR. K. BOILA.- Mr. Chairman, I will not be able to respond to that question. There are various factors that would contribute, so I cannot comment on that.
The Assistant Minister Bhatnagar should be sent back into the classroom for wasting the Committee's time by asking ill-prepared question:

DR. R. WAH.- The TELS does not come under the Commission, so I cannot answer that.