Fijileaks: We have new evidence that former psychology staff at USP's Laucala campus were instructed to re-grade Johnson's 2014 course results because of a conflict of interest with a female student under Johnson's duty of care. Johnson's grades for the female student were revised down by staff members, the clear implication being that high grades could have been obtained in exchange for alleged sexual favours
BE CAREFUL OUT THERE: Ronna Lee of USP has raised the alarm
The University of the South Pacific (U.S.P.) has issued a warning to their students, especially females, to be alert.
The University has also lodged a formal complaint with the Ministry of Police.
Staff member, Ronna Lee (above) , took her concerns on social media.
It’s alleged that an Indian man approached two female students at the University and offered them $400, phones and job opportunities for an hour in a hotel room.
“The Indian man wears glasses and is believed to be above the age of 30, driving a metallic silver/grey sports car,” Ms. Lee said.
Ms. Lee told the Samoa Observer yesterday the matter had since been reported to the Police and they were now “hunting down this man”.
She said it was fortunate that one of the girls reported this immediately and the University faculty and staff members addressed the matter immediately.
“This predator left before we were able to I.D. his car, but we have reported it to the police and will issue a warning to all students to stay alert and be cautious."
“Parents and families please stay alert and keep our girls safe from these predators,” said Ms. Lee.
One of the female students pointed out on social media that she saw this person on school campus.
“He drove in front of the bookshop."
“I’m pretty sure that’s him cos (sic) he kept on looking in the room where I was and then turned again and leaves after minutes of parking there and just staring in the room where I was and yes he was driving a silver car.”
She said the students were urged to file a formal report with the security.
Ms. Lee has issued warning and also urging the public to report him if they see someone matching the description.
Efforts to get comments from the Ministry of Police have been unsuccessful as of press time yesterday.
The University has also lodged a formal complaint with the Ministry of Police.
Staff member, Ronna Lee (above) , took her concerns on social media.
It’s alleged that an Indian man approached two female students at the University and offered them $400, phones and job opportunities for an hour in a hotel room.
“The Indian man wears glasses and is believed to be above the age of 30, driving a metallic silver/grey sports car,” Ms. Lee said.
Ms. Lee told the Samoa Observer yesterday the matter had since been reported to the Police and they were now “hunting down this man”.
She said it was fortunate that one of the girls reported this immediately and the University faculty and staff members addressed the matter immediately.
“This predator left before we were able to I.D. his car, but we have reported it to the police and will issue a warning to all students to stay alert and be cautious."
“Parents and families please stay alert and keep our girls safe from these predators,” said Ms. Lee.
One of the female students pointed out on social media that she saw this person on school campus.
“He drove in front of the bookshop."
“I’m pretty sure that’s him cos (sic) he kept on looking in the room where I was and then turned again and leaves after minutes of parking there and just staring in the room where I was and yes he was driving a silver car.”
She said the students were urged to file a formal report with the security.
Ms. Lee has issued warning and also urging the public to report him if they see someone matching the description.
Efforts to get comments from the Ministry of Police have been unsuccessful as of press time yesterday.