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USP takes a leaf out of FNU which blocked Fijileaks some years ago

Universities build their reputation on the reputation of academic leaders who are renowned all over the world for their research or teaching. A professor is actually getting into his/her prime when they are in their sixties.
They are at a position to mentor younger academic staff, be a beacon to young students and inspire them to join their field of expertise. Their reputation, experience and contacts build strong programs for generations to come. Retiring staff at 65 is like throwing away diamonds because the carbon is too old and has gone through too much experience. Senior professors shouldn’t be made to mandatorily teach courses and mark papers: their experience should be used to inspire young students in hallmark courses, let TAs mark the papers; building strong research programs through grants and mentoring of young research staff and students; and providing guidance towards the future of the faculty through administrative thought leadership.
Over 65 policy Recommendations:
Remove the over 65 mandatory retirement policy for academic staff (at least full and associate professors)
Build teaching and research models that allow time and opportunity for senior staff to build strong research and teaching programs
Give autonomy to faculty. Reduce and limit Administration and VCP’s interference in academic matters. Why hire Heads of Schools when every decision is at the pleasure of the VCP?
Hire strong HoSs and Deans who feel responsible and empowered for paving the future path of the School/Faculty and not pandering to the VCP.
If you need evidence, look at how many HoSs have changed over the last few years. The Dean of Faculty of Business and Economics lasted less than one year. There must be a reason for the lack of stability in the faculty.