The 13 PAGE REPORT is addressed to the USP Council chair & pro-chancellor, and former Marshall Islands president Dr Hilda Heine and Deputy Chair & Deputy Pro-Chancellor Professor PAT WALSH
Dear Hon. Hilda Heine and Prof Walsh,
"I write to inform you of my formal submission of a series of complaints under the University of the South Pacific ‘Whistleblowing Policy’.
I have been in consultation with The Chair and deputy Chair of the USP Council on two previous occasions in March and April 2023.
I have reflected on these communications carefully and it appears there are no other options left to me other than activate this avenue of progression." 16 May 2023. Full letter coming soon
Fijileaks: Log of USP Contract for J Jankowski
- Contacted by HH’s to consider post March 2022.
- Shortlisted and interview September 2022.
- Offer letter 4th October 2022.
- 20 emails of exchange documents and visa paperwork completed October 2022
- Council appointment 13th November with 5 documents exchanged for press.
- 29th November first version of contract issued.
- 10 emails regarding clarification of travel and clinical work in December
- January 17th 2023 signed the consultancy and the main contract.
- 3rd February 2023 I was informed the USP had unilaterally rescinded my original contract and wanted me to sign a less advantageous contact for 3.7 years instead of the previous 5-year period.
- During this time, I have been requested to submit ALL my documents three times; first to the HR director, then to the new HR officer counter signed by a Justice of the Peace and yet again in February by a notary public.
- Since the original contract was unilaterally rescinded by USP I have understandably become more cautious. In the current contract I have asked that the appropriate email concessions are made explicit in the revised contract to avoid further confusion. These include premium economy travel to and from work, clarification of remote working periods to be with my son during his exams and again during his A-level results (as promised), correcting the revised employer superannuation from 6% to 7% (as promised), ensuring the supplied vehicle is registered and has road insurance (as promised), ensuring there is an annual training budget to maintain skills and annual budget to be provided (as promised), for agreed clinic time medical practice allowance to be provided in day time hours to suit patients (as promised), USP to actively support communication with the medical registration authorities to enable my registration to be completed (as promised), to be allowed to maintain current UK board commitments on a remote basis (as promised), to be provided with a prepaid sim card, phone and laptop for exclusive USP work (as promised).
- In March it was agreed I could start face to face in June 2023. This was subsequently rescinded a week later unilaterally.
- Final Modified Contract sent to me on Monday 13th March with corrections.
- Email 3.19 am with an ultimatum to sign the contract by 8am the same day.
- Contract signed same day.
- 28th March I was told my medical report had expired and I needed to go through the whole long medical report submission procedure again. On the same day I queried this and asked to see the regulations. None were ever forwarded.
- 3rd of April I informed HR my 3-month remote contract was due to expire on the 16th.
- 4th April HR indicated my Medical Report had expired as it was submitted on the 11th of November 2022, 3-month window apparently. I indicated that it was Easter, and my doctor was away for 2 weeks.
- 11th of April. I wrote to HR [to] ask if the original medical report could be counter signed to prevent delays. No response was ever received.
- 13th of April a month contract extension granted to mid-May instead of until 22nd June when I have agreed to arrive in person, and this has been agreed and witnessed by USP. I have queried this twice.
- 17th April UK time in the middle of emails my account locked with no warning.
- When I queried this, I was told that this was because I have not signed the 1-month extension. So, I was ‘locked out’ without warning from my USP accounts for 7.5days.
- 24th April new contract issues. Some dates were still wrong that I had to change by hand.
- I remained lock out of USP permissions for another 2 days. My diary appointments were lost, and I was unable to undertake several internal and external meetings.
- 28th April Medical report resubmitted with another signature from my GP.
- 3rd May HR mentioned they needed another stamp.
- 3rd of May medical report with new stamp resubmitted to HR.
- As of Friday the 12th of May, no documents have been submitted at any time by USP to the Fiji Government for my work permit.
- Fijileaks: Whistleblower Jankowski is SACKED by Ahluwalia on 26 May 2023.