"The Unions and staff are aware that DPM Professor Biman Prasad and Dr Reddy were former colleagues at the USP and that VCP Ahluwalia and Professor Prasad are in consultation and communication on USP matters. The Unions and staff therefore question whether these relationships had any bearing on Dr Reddy’s appointment." |
Fijileaks: Shortly after the 2022 general election, Reddy had contacted the newly elected Education Minister Aseri Radrodro to assist him in securing a teaching position at Fiji National University but Radrodro declined, informing Reddy to follow 'application process for a job at FNU'
*When Reddy was FFP Education Minister he had blocked the FNU students and staff from accessing Fijileaks on its campuses
From Fijileaks Archive, 2015
"Today was a happy occasion for the school and it was not about politics. You made it so and it is regrettable" - Prasad to Reddy
From Fijileaks Archive, 29 December 2014
"The Minister (Mahendra Reddy) took over the case in his hands and entertained a recorded CD made on me which is baseless and contains no merit for a suspension without pay. There were obvious frustrations raised by teachers at the school about the conduct of business in the school. The Minister's wife was also teaching at the school and implicated. Those teachers who gave evidences against the wrong doings were immediately transferred out of the school upon the instructions by the Minister himself. A serious crime was committed by the Principal and evidences were clear but the Minister concealed the crime and has aided and abetted the Principal. I sent him a message through Director Secondary that the case needed to be reported to the Police but my advise was ignored." - PS Basundra Kumar in her resignation letter of 29 December 2014 to Public Service Commission |
29th December 2014
The Permanent Secretary
Public Service Commission
Berkley Cresent
RE: Resignation from Service
"Dear Sir
I wish to tender in my resignation from the service with effect from 29th January 2015. I have handed over the office of the Permanent Secretary of Education today at 2pm to Mrs. Kelera Talonga the Deputy Secretary Professional as per the letter from PSC dated 23rd December 2014.
I am being compelled to resign because of the following reasons (Fijileaks in bold):
1. Immediately after my handing over, I was issued with a suspension letter without pay effective from 30th December 2014. This is a clear indication of a personal vendetta against me. The suspension is issued based on a case at Bhawani Dayal Arya College in early October 2014. At this particular school the Principal was exercising lethargy and the Mathematics department teachers were having a free ride. I merely executed my duty as the Permanent Secretary of Education.
2. The Minister took over the case in his hands and entertained a recorded CD made on me which is baseless and contains no merit for a suspension without pay. There were obvious frustrations raised by teachers at the school about the conduct of business in the school. The Ministers wife was also teaching at the school and implicated. Those teachers who gave evidences against the wrong doings were immediately transferred out of the school upon the instructions by the Minister himself. A serious crime was committed by the Principal and evidences were clear but the Minister concealed the crime and has aided and abetted the Principal. I sent him a message through Director Secondary that the case needed to be reported to the Police but my advise was ignored.
3. The Minister failed to report the case then to PSC, if he had thought I had breached the code of conduct. Instead he quietly without A/PS’S (my knowledge) directed the Director Secondary to form a task team, investigate and report to him so that he could save his wife’s and his reputation.He is a micro-manager and performs the duties of the PS interpreting the constitution to his pleasure.
4. The Minister has no respect for the staff; he is an uncouth person, breaching the Civil service procedures, practicing parochialism, cronyism and favoritism.
5. He (Minister) works against the civil service procedures and when advised correctly feels offended, shows tantrums and threatens all for suspension and termination. He has a disregard for cabinet collective decision and unilateral decision making.
6. I continued to protect my staff against his vindictive approaches and he felt I was not supporting him thus he began plotting against me so that I could be removed from the position. My staff have been looking to me for rescue but I was always helpless. I have now made up my mind that I will not be able to work with this Minister.
I am attaching a letter of complaint written earlier together with my resignation letter herein for my employer to note and understand the duress compelling me to resign from the service. I thank the Ministry of Education for recognizing my good work and the positive contributions that I have made to the education sector in this country.
Basundra Kumar (Mrs.)
Acting PSE
The Permanent Secretary
Public Service Commission
Berkley Cresent
RE: Resignation from Service
"Dear Sir
I wish to tender in my resignation from the service with effect from 29th January 2015. I have handed over the office of the Permanent Secretary of Education today at 2pm to Mrs. Kelera Talonga the Deputy Secretary Professional as per the letter from PSC dated 23rd December 2014.
I am being compelled to resign because of the following reasons (Fijileaks in bold):
1. Immediately after my handing over, I was issued with a suspension letter without pay effective from 30th December 2014. This is a clear indication of a personal vendetta against me. The suspension is issued based on a case at Bhawani Dayal Arya College in early October 2014. At this particular school the Principal was exercising lethargy and the Mathematics department teachers were having a free ride. I merely executed my duty as the Permanent Secretary of Education.
2. The Minister took over the case in his hands and entertained a recorded CD made on me which is baseless and contains no merit for a suspension without pay. There were obvious frustrations raised by teachers at the school about the conduct of business in the school. The Ministers wife was also teaching at the school and implicated. Those teachers who gave evidences against the wrong doings were immediately transferred out of the school upon the instructions by the Minister himself. A serious crime was committed by the Principal and evidences were clear but the Minister concealed the crime and has aided and abetted the Principal. I sent him a message through Director Secondary that the case needed to be reported to the Police but my advise was ignored.
3. The Minister failed to report the case then to PSC, if he had thought I had breached the code of conduct. Instead he quietly without A/PS’S (my knowledge) directed the Director Secondary to form a task team, investigate and report to him so that he could save his wife’s and his reputation.He is a micro-manager and performs the duties of the PS interpreting the constitution to his pleasure.
4. The Minister has no respect for the staff; he is an uncouth person, breaching the Civil service procedures, practicing parochialism, cronyism and favoritism.
5. He (Minister) works against the civil service procedures and when advised correctly feels offended, shows tantrums and threatens all for suspension and termination. He has a disregard for cabinet collective decision and unilateral decision making.
6. I continued to protect my staff against his vindictive approaches and he felt I was not supporting him thus he began plotting against me so that I could be removed from the position. My staff have been looking to me for rescue but I was always helpless. I have now made up my mind that I will not be able to work with this Minister.
I am attaching a letter of complaint written earlier together with my resignation letter herein for my employer to note and understand the duress compelling me to resign from the service. I thank the Ministry of Education for recognizing my good work and the positive contributions that I have made to the education sector in this country.
Basundra Kumar (Mrs.)
Acting PSE