The By-Laws will be a snooper's charter, creating snitches (spies) in villages. And his demand that villagers must have a home before tying the marital knot is rank hypocrisy and violates right to family life
Not every native Fijian villager can afford to build, not to mention, extend his house, like Khaiyum did, on joining the 2006 treasonous coupists
While Fijians are living in TENTS, he also bought a plot of LAND:
Lest we forget, both Aiyaz Khaiyum and Minister of Lands Faiyaz Koya will be protected by another dictator SITIVENI RABUKA's IMMUNITY
Still on RABUKA! Aiyaz Khaiyum is extending what Rabuka and his own coupists tried to impose on native Fijians in their 1990 Constitution of Fiji, prompting the NFP-FLP Coalition, led by the late Dr Timoci Bavadra, to warn the late Asesela Ravuvu led Constitution Review Commission:
"In another radical departure the draft constitution proposes a narrower definition of Fijians. Fijians who are to elect their own members are to be registered in the Vola ni Kawa Bula and a strict test for eligibility is proposed. This will make it more difficult for Fijians, vis-a-vis the other races, to become qualified to elect their members of Parliament through Vola ni Kawa Bula membership. Many Fijians who would normally qualify under the present provisions would become ineligible. The requirement for Fijians to vote within their provincial boundaries/constituencies means that they would have no voice in the elections of members representing the constituencies in which they live. This has serious implications for those Fijians who have left their home villages to reside permanently elsewhere. It would discriminate particularly against urban Fijians who see their interests as inextricably related to opportunities available in urban areas. With the availability of rapid educational advancement and growing economic opportunities the tendency for Fijians to leave their traditional homes will grow. Not only will this system inhibit initiative initiative and enterprise, but it tends to discourage the development of the party system to which Fijians have become accustomed and which is essential for the development of a healthy democratic system."