I share one link here and it pertains to a Facebook status of a one Sailosi Sirisirivalu ( https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1317206684969356&id=100000401112181 ) And I have a few others plus written Statutory Declarations by others that point to your work against me.
Please note that this is not the first time I have been alerted by colleagues, of your personal agenda to target my upbringing especially.
I come from a strong Christian Family and I am proud to have been raised by both my mother and father although they were divorced when I was a Child. That has not turned me into a product of hate or disillusionment, it has strengthened my respect for the institution of marriage and the gift of Family.
This is why I stay single, because I have yet to find the right person to settle down with. And it is unfair to accept that single people are Homosexual. In fact that in itself is unchristian, to attack someone because they are single or because of their upbringing.
All I can say to you is that, I pray for you daily. And that the extent of what you or SODELPA has done to attack my credibility is nothing compared to the promise I believe in my God and the principles I stand for.
I cc members of my Family, and your Party in this email because in their eyes I also want to make a stand against your erroneous comments. I have also spoken to the media who called me up because of comments made by you targeting me, I herein present my final and only response to you on these issues.
Fiji deserves leaders who actually respect the rule of law and democracy, not those who peddle propaganda and ill will. When you go Low, we will go HOPE.
I shall see you in 2018 ADI LITIA
Please note that this is not the first time I have been alerted by colleagues, of your personal agenda to target my upbringing especially.
I come from a strong Christian Family and I am proud to have been raised by both my mother and father although they were divorced when I was a Child. That has not turned me into a product of hate or disillusionment, it has strengthened my respect for the institution of marriage and the gift of Family.
This is why I stay single, because I have yet to find the right person to settle down with. And it is unfair to accept that single people are Homosexual. In fact that in itself is unchristian, to attack someone because they are single or because of their upbringing.
All I can say to you is that, I pray for you daily. And that the extent of what you or SODELPA has done to attack my credibility is nothing compared to the promise I believe in my God and the principles I stand for.
I cc members of my Family, and your Party in this email because in their eyes I also want to make a stand against your erroneous comments. I have also spoken to the media who called me up because of comments made by you targeting me, I herein present my final and only response to you on these issues.
Fiji deserves leaders who actually respect the rule of law and democracy, not those who peddle propaganda and ill will. When you go Low, we will go HOPE.
I shall see you in 2018 ADI LITIA