Fijileaks: Do You Own FIJI, Timoci Natuva?
Cry, The Beloved Country From Such Bully
Brij Lal should file charges in Australia (Pinochet Precedent) calling for the arrest and trial of Land Force Commander Colonel Sitiveni Qiliho for assaulting him (Brij Lal) at the QEB; that is the only way these human rights abusers could be brought to justice - if we can't get into Fiji, well, we make sure they dare not go out of Fiji for fear of arrest and trial!

Thursday, March 19, 2015
ACADEMIC and former Fiji citizen Professor Brij Lal and his wife Dr Padma Lal have been banned from Fiji indefinitely.
This was confirmed in Parliament yesterday by the Defence and Immigration Minister Timoci Natuva following questions by member of Opposition Prem Singh on why the two former Fiji citizens, who are currently Australian passport holders, were banned from entering Fiji in 2009 and 2010 respectively.
"Fiji is a sovereign state and the authority to prohibit a foreigner to enter or re-enter the country rests with the State," Mr Natuva said.
"For this particular person, he has been very vocal and opposed the move towards democracy after the events of 2006, his actions were viewed by the Government of the day as prejudicial to the peace, defence, public safety, public order, security of the Government of Fiji.
"The Minister of Defence's decision was that he was given a prohibition status indefinitely, we had reviewed the decision when I came into office and after studying the case, I concurred with the earlier decision by the former Defence Minister."
The Defence Minister explained in Parliament that this indefinite ban applied to the couple and the duration for prohibition differed according to the circumstances surrounding the case and it goes from 12 months or indefinite period.
Prof Lal said he was sorry to hear the minister's decision.
"I do not accept that I opposed Fiji's return to democracy after the coup of 2006. I stood up for the rule of law, the values of democracy and a strict observance of the constitutional process," Prof Lal said.
"But all that is moot now. The country has a new constitution and a newly elected Parliament.
"The reasons for which my wife and I were deported do not apply any more. I have not broken any law, I have no criminal record. But if exile is the price I have to pay for standing up for freedom of speech, then I have no choice but to pay the price." Source: Fiji Times