he tried to escape captivity

Fijileaks Editor: "We must take our revenge against Bainimarama's warlord Khaiyum at the poll"
Fijileaks |
'My son's been slaughtered': Mother's agony as she learns on Twitter of her Lebanese soldier son's beheading by ISIS barbarians after he tried to escape captivity ![]() WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Zeinab Noun's 20-year-old son, Abbas Medlej, was among 19 Lebanese soldiers captured by the extremist militants earlier this month when a troop of fighters stormed a border town. The Shiite Muslim reportedly tried to escape his Sunni captors by pretending to go to the bathroom. Today his mother wept for her 'sacrificed' son and warned: 'We must take our revenge from those apostates.' His beheading comes after Sgt Ali al-Sayyed was murdered in a similarly brutal vein. This image, believed to depict Medlej's beheading, was shared on Twitter. ![]() The young man's mother reiterated his vow, warning: 'We have to take our revenge from those apostates'. Fijileaks Editor: "We must take our revenge against Bainimarama's warlord Khaiyum at the poll" Khaiyum & his Rottweiler hound dog are holding media and citizens HOSTAGE by denying them freedom of speech, expression & DEBATE
7/9/2014 02:06:55 pm
You know what's been our problem for the past 8 years? we have been misruled by a bunch of intellectual imbeciles holding power by force of might .and, that has - FOR THE COUNTRY - not been right.
7/9/2014 03:52:52 pm
please correct me if I am wrong but aren't some of the captured soldiers too old to be serving in a volatile and violent conflict zone?
7/9/2014 05:33:21 pm
the violent thugs who have captured the Fiji soldiers make their own law as they see fit -regardless of what international law and human rights laws say is acceptable and unacceptable.
7/9/2014 05:39:22 pm
wonder how the fidji soldiers must be feeling being bullied into quiet submission by a well armed military fighting force - the same way the people of fiji were bullied into submission by the armed fidji military force of the rear admiral?
8/9/2014 01:21:43 am
How they feel is written all over their faces – the look gloominess - very rare and out of character Fijian look – (without their smiles).
servant of the nation
10/9/2014 07:29:29 pm
Right, damn the politics, for goodness sake, get the boys back. that is a priority now.
8/9/2014 01:04:43 am
What do these terrorists want? What do they stand for? Are they freedom fighters or murderers?
8/9/2014 01:53:33 am
The Fiji soldiers cannot be tried under Sharia Law - WTF! Did Tikoitoga really say that?? Are you for real?? The bloody Al-Nusra don't give two hoots about what you think is applicable or not applicable - stop talking about them and start talking about what you're going to do for YOUR men!
8/9/2014 04:18:52 am
when you have intellectually challenged people in positions of leadership then you must expect rubbish to come out of such mediocre leadership.
8/9/2014 08:21:39 pm
I had not read the article Matt Siegel and Lincoln Feast has written on Fiji's UN peacekeepers. My attention was drawn to it by Peggy Thomas' letter in the Fiji Sun (9/9). In her letter titled 'Good reporting' she writes " if ever I have read a great piece of article in the newspaper, it was by Jyoti Pratibha entitled 'Feasting on Wrong story' in which she had apparently catigated Siegel and Feast for their article.
8/9/2014 08:31:31 pm
The leadership has turned into a dealership. There are no leaders but dealers. They are evil ,stupid, intellectual imbeciles who deal in treachery, lies, deceit and people's freedom and lives for the sake of their own personal fortunes. They have amassed considerable wealth mostly in their secret vaults and distant bank accounts under various personal names and shell companies. They have assumed total control over almost everything in Fiji. But their appetite craves for more and better. This is why they will win this election. It is not only to guarantee their continued rule, but to prevent them from being hauled into a proper court and ultimately to prison or the hangmen waiting for them.
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