"Government had approved the review process of the Police Act and I am pleased that it is now into the final and most important phase of public consultations." - Inia Seruiratu
In the same FFP government video, Seruiratu makes a slip and reveals that the 1955 RFMF Act is also under review
Fijileaks: FFP is in power because the Opposition in Fiji never do their homework before issuing press releases. We will NEVER endorse them to lead Fiji in 2022. They are too lamu sona to ever mention Fijileaks exposures. Why should it fall on Fijileaks to call Bainimarama's bluff?. We have nothing personal against |
As for Fiji media, they should be sent to nursery school for journalism. In the same video, Seruiratu makes a slip and reveals that the 1955 RFMF Act is also under review. Strangely, the Opposition supporters are happy to forward Nemani Delaibatiki's analysis, "Lessons to Be Learned from Discredited Efforts to Change the Police Act'. Our Founding Editor-in-Chief has no quarrel with his former Associate Editor colleague on the old pre Rabuka Fiji Sun. But as the Fiji Sun's then Senior Sub-Editor, he would have reached for his "red pencil" and asked Delaibatiki a host of questions before approving his analysis or might have asked him to re-write certain sections - what we used to say, "Throw It Back at the Reporter" - all in good faith and without malice. Or as Ben Padarath's father - once our former boss - would say to us in the Sub-Editors Room, if the story still doesn't make sense, just SPIKE It
LISTEN TO THE WHOLE VIDEO that was released by FFP Government:
Ladies and gentlemen the draft bill aims to provide additional enforcement powers to the Fijian police force to effectively address new forms of crime, provide legal powers to use modern technological aids to combat complex and organized crimes and institute deterrent penalties in comparison to the outdated penalties currently in force. Government recognizes the limitations in archaic legislation such as this Act has on the operations of the Fiji police force in ensuring that all Fijians are not severely impacted by this limitation. Government had approved the review process of the police act and I am pleased that it is now into the final and most important phase of public consultations. Initially the review process began with an in-house and interagency consultation program where submissions were received from all the five divisional police commanders, directors, and inter-agency partners...I am content that it is time to take it to the Fijian public and get their views and inputs on a bill that will directly have an impact on their very own safety and security. Ladies and gentlemen, the public consultation phase is extremely important because we need to adequately capture and take into consideration the interests concerns and voices of every Fijian. At this point in time I wish to bring up citations of the honorable Prime Minister's speeches where he consistently mentioned and I quote, "these are the voices that matter the most as the safety and well-being of every Fijian continues to sit at the heart of every decision made by this government."
"Government had approved the review process of the Police Act and I am pleased that it is now into the final and most important phase of public consultations." - Inia Seruiratu
WHO IS LYING? Ask Fiji Police to use the metal detector test | https://eedition.fijisun.com.fj/dated/2021-03-18/2 |