"He (a highly qualified local candidate whose name Fijileaks is withholding) even told VC [Nigel Healey] to set up an independent interview panel so that fair interview is being held. VC did not agree to _____'s suggestion of conducting a fair interview process...VC went ahead with the interview. Mr Cartmell's CV at the interview was introduced by VC..."
FNU Whistleblower to FICAC, 19 September 2017
We have redacted the name of the two local candidates. The most qualified local candidate___ (whose name is on the interview list) had refused to attend the interview unless VC Healey set up an independent panel which did not include Healey. But Healey refused and also he did not relay the request to the other panelists. The choice was a foregone conclusion - the appointment of Cartmell who was not, in the first instance, meant to be offering himself as a candidate Director Human Resources. A work permit had been obtained on his behalf as a consultant to train a local to take up the DHR position. His work permit was granted till October 2017
Fijileaks: We call on the Director of Immigration to CANCEL Cartmell's WORK PERMIT and FNU VC Nigel Healey to be investigated by FICAC for alleged Abuse of Office. One of the interviewing panelists has told Fijileaks that they were not informed by Healey about the request from one of the two local candidates for an independent panel. According to the panelist Healey had merely scrawled on the score sheet - withdrawn - against the name of one of the two local candidates, so they proceeded to interview the candidates, one local and another, Cartmell.
We strongly suspect the Healey-Cartmell game plan is to trigger the resignation of the candidate who scored terribly low point from Healey (26-17) compared to from other panelists so that the two could CONVINCE the Immigration Department to endorse Cartmell's work permit, and knowing the most qualified local candidate refused to appear for interview unless Healey had recused himself from the interview panel.
"VC did not agree to ____'s suggestion for FNU conducting a fair interview process. He [Nealey] knew very well that _____would point out to the [panelists] the blunder that Mr Cartmell has created with the Job Evaluation Process..." Whistleblower to FICAC, 19/9/2017
Fijileaks: It is well for FFP government to champion on CLIMATE CHANGE in BONN but it is equally urgent that LOCALS are not thrown into the sea by unscrupulous expatriates who are flooding Fijian institutions at the expense of qualified locals. It is time to reverse this climate of dumbing down locals for top jobs and holding them into life of servitude, and even induced resignations via cleverly orchestrated and stage-managed job interviews
Where did Nigel Healey find $300,000 to pay Cartmell for the DHR post?
19th September 2017
The Director
Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC)
This is to formally advise on the corrupt practice at Fiji national University. This is mainly related to appointment of Director Human Resources recently. Mr Jonathan Cartmell was hired by VC [Nigel Healey] as consultant Director Human Resources October last year.
1. He was hired on the basis that he would come and train all HR staff and in that process a new full time Director would be appointed and he would be a local based staff. This has been reported to Director Immigration dated 1st August 2017. Also attaching one for your reference. The attached letter was also sent previously but no action has been taken so far. (http://www.fijileaks.com/home/fnugate-fnu-whistleblower-to-immigration-department-the-director-human-resources-position-was-advertised-in-2016-however-without-any-formal-interview-consultant-director-cartmell-was-appointed-by-the-vc)
2. From the information that we have gathered is that Mr Cartmell has been given an offer as Director Human resources with a salary package of $300,000. This has not gone through the Council and the Senior Management Group of FNU. With this amount of salary, three Directors can be hired - local based. It seems like that the interview panel have been forced by Vice Chancellor to conduct interview of Director Human resources position.
3. The two panel members initially had declined to proceed with the interview since there were only two applicants and the position was not internationally advertised. There were only three applicants (the list is attached).
4. The person most capable was a local based staff (__________). who did not attend the interview since he became aware of VC's motive to hire Mr Cartmell. He even told VC to set up an independent interview panel so that fair interview is being held. He knew very well that how ever excellent he performs in the interview, Mr Cartmell will get the position.
5. _______ is the ____________of FNU and he is also ____________. VC did not agree to ________'s suggestion of FNU conducting a fair interview process. He knew very well that ________would point out the blunder that Mr Cartmell has created in the Job Evaluation Exercise. Please also contact________and he can point out what all went wrong with the Job Evaluation Exercise.
6. To avoid this being discussed in the interview, VC went ahead with the interview. VC knew very well that the other applicant ___________is not capable and the panel will obviously give less points so that he is not selected.
7._________. Please provides JUSTICE to local staff of Fiji.
Minister of Labour
Prime Minister's Office
Higher Salaries Commission
Minister for Education
The Director
Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC)
This is to formally advise on the corrupt practice at Fiji national University. This is mainly related to appointment of Director Human Resources recently. Mr Jonathan Cartmell was hired by VC [Nigel Healey] as consultant Director Human Resources October last year.
1. He was hired on the basis that he would come and train all HR staff and in that process a new full time Director would be appointed and he would be a local based staff. This has been reported to Director Immigration dated 1st August 2017. Also attaching one for your reference. The attached letter was also sent previously but no action has been taken so far. (http://www.fijileaks.com/home/fnugate-fnu-whistleblower-to-immigration-department-the-director-human-resources-position-was-advertised-in-2016-however-without-any-formal-interview-consultant-director-cartmell-was-appointed-by-the-vc)
2. From the information that we have gathered is that Mr Cartmell has been given an offer as Director Human resources with a salary package of $300,000. This has not gone through the Council and the Senior Management Group of FNU. With this amount of salary, three Directors can be hired - local based. It seems like that the interview panel have been forced by Vice Chancellor to conduct interview of Director Human resources position.
3. The two panel members initially had declined to proceed with the interview since there were only two applicants and the position was not internationally advertised. There were only three applicants (the list is attached).
4. The person most capable was a local based staff (__________). who did not attend the interview since he became aware of VC's motive to hire Mr Cartmell. He even told VC to set up an independent interview panel so that fair interview is being held. He knew very well that how ever excellent he performs in the interview, Mr Cartmell will get the position.
5. _______ is the ____________of FNU and he is also ____________. VC did not agree to ________'s suggestion of FNU conducting a fair interview process. He knew very well that ________would point out the blunder that Mr Cartmell has created in the Job Evaluation Exercise. Please also contact________and he can point out what all went wrong with the Job Evaluation Exercise.
6. To avoid this being discussed in the interview, VC went ahead with the interview. VC knew very well that the other applicant ___________is not capable and the panel will obviously give less points so that he is not selected.
7._________. Please provides JUSTICE to local staff of Fiji.
Minister of Labour
Prime Minister's Office
Higher Salaries Commission
Minister for Education