Former Minister of State for Youth & Sport Rajesh Singh in partnership with Australian based consortium Majestic Fiji Corporation bid to rescue
Momi Bay Project
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Fijileaks |
Former Minister of State for Youth & Sport Rajesh Singh in partnership with Australian based consortium Majestic Fiji Corporation bid to rescue |
cant take anything seriously which involves the corrupt dishonest rajesh singh..bu then franky will believe anything.
why exclusive licence when only 10% of profits are carrots to show illegal PM to buy Momi Bay?
How much is Lotto's Commission and pub based casino's paying back in New Zealand back?
With only 10% profits returned as donations for sports etc, then the door must be open to 3 casino operators and not exclusive.
With that policy there will be dozens ready to build and compete for casino's.
Now it all makes sense why Khaiyum has been bending over backwards to continue to show leniency to this Clownchi chap. For Aunty Bano is and was there from the start. The first person to take to task is Bano - why nothing is done towards her for helping set up One Hundred Sands Ltd?
While One Hundred Sands have greased palms of Aunty Nur Bano and Nephew Aiaz Khayum, while no experience is required to set up a casino business as companies engage experts for all necessary works.
But then we have new consotium who wants to buy Momi Bay Project. This is good but can they prove this by buying Momi Bay Project on its own?
Why conditional with exclusive Casino licence? After One Hundred Sands licence is revoked, why not give exclusive licence to FNPF?
Are the consotium using Rajesh Singh as their contact who once assisted regime to being as their stepping stone to grease back into the regimes elite force once again?
We thought he said FB has become corrupt and must be removed a.s.a.p. And that he is also racist and said Indsians pray to tevoro!!
Is Rajesh also being greased now by the consortium as one extra hand to join with those he claimed were making money from investors?
Any deal should now be open to the public when it comes to casino.
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